
4 Important Financial Reports for Business Owners
The world of accounting can be confusing, especially if you don’t have a background in finance and if math isn’t your strong suit. It can quickly feel like numbers, business jargon and spreadsheets are flying around at high speeds, just looking for an opportunity to throw your business off-track.

Bookkeeper, Accountant, or Fractional CFO? Which Do You Need?
If you run a small business, then you know there are several parts of your company that your operations rely on. Marketing gets your name out to prospects. Sales connect people with the goods and services they need. Accounting tracks the money. It seems simple enough. But is it?

Navigating a Confusing Economy with Outsourced Accounting
The economy is in one of its most uncertain periods in recent memory and many business owners are looking to tighten and optimize operations. There are many ways to do this: focusing on key performance indicators, setting clear procedures while streamlining services, and digging deep to identify what customers really want.